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We have hand picked some of the best journalists in the online technology, gaming and EV industry. Apart from striving to become one of the best, the biggest challenge for us is to keep information simple, concise and digest-able. We are original and we hate plagiarism. We put our opinion forward and are always keen to discuss about the on-going topics. Say hello to the awesome people behind the curtains. Oh, and you may click our names to view our dedicated page and content created by us.

Super Daddy 283 Articles
A proof that the real fun does not actually ends, but rather begins when you become a daddy. Enterprise Application Co-ordinator, Web Developer, Hardware Enthusiast, Gadgets lover, Android Evangelist, Desktop and Consoles Gamer, Metal Music Guitarist, Audiophile, Networking Freak, Radio Controlled Toys rat, Ferrari Crazy and above all - a daddy in every kid's dream.
Pokde Authors - 17
Aiman Maulana 5145 Articles
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)
Pokde Authors - 19
Low Boon Shen 2524 Articles
Is technology powered by a series of tubes?
Pokde Authors - 21