Perodua Set to Electrify Malaysia’s Roads with Affordable Electric Cars by 2025

Aiman Maulana
3 Min Read
Perodua Set to Electrify Malaysia’s Roads with Affordable Electric Cars by 2025

Perodua is gearing up to introduce its own affordable electric car in Malaysia by the end of 2025. This exciting development was shared by Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul, the Minister of Investment, Trade, and Industry.

Perodua to Launch Affordable Electric Cars by 2025

Collaborating with international automotive companies, Perodua is said to have been working on prototypes, with mass production slated for late 2025. While specific models and pricing details remain undisclosed at the moment, this move aligns with the growing trend towards electric vehicles in the automotive industry.

The Malaysian automotive landscape is witnessing a transformative shift, with the popular Malaysian car brand joining the ranks of car manufacturers embracing electric mobility. The decision to venture into electric cars aligns with global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable transportation solutions.

Perodua Set to Electrify Malaysia's Roads with Affordable Electric Cars by 2025

Perodua Set to Electrify Malaysia's Roads with Affordable Electric Cars by 2025

As the anticipation builds, car enthusiasts and environmentally conscious consumers alike eagerly await more details about their electric vehicle lineup. The move towards affordable electric cars by major players like Perodua is a positive sign for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, making eco-friendly transportation accessible to a broader audience.

Stay tuned for updates on Perodua’s electric car models, pricing, and the exciting prospect of a greener and more sustainable future on Malaysia’s roads. The year 2025 promises to be a significant milestone as the company drives the nation towards a more electrified automotive landscape.


Pokdepinion: It was bound to happen sooner or later. If we’re going to keep sticking to that RM100,000 minimum pricing, there would be too many people who wouldn’t be able to afford it. That’s like the price of two Myvis for a single EV at a minimum, and a lot of people are having trouble paying off cars around the RM80,000 range as is.

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