ESRB Now With New Rating For Loot Boxes
The folks at Entertainment Software Rating Board, or simply known as ESRB has revealed that they will be providing a new label for games that features randomized loot boxes.
ESRB loot box label
The new label, which is specifically called ‘In-Game Purchases (Includes Random Items) will be featured in games that features loot boxes or anything that comes close to that.
With it, it should let gamers know what type of game they’re about to dive in to, especially that ‘Includes Random Items’ part. Previously there was only the ‘In-Game Purchases’ label found in games but it didn’t specify of how random loot box systems.
At their blog post, they’ve stated “According to research, parents are far more concerned about their child’s ability to spend real money in games than the fact that those in-game purchases may be randomized”.
Seeing how we’ve seen cases where kids have been spending their parent’s money on in-game purchases or loot boxes, we can definitely see why ESRB chose to introduce the new label.
Pokdepinion: Let’s just hope that parents will take close attention to the games that they are buying for their children. No one wants to wake up the next day and find out of some random expenditure.