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Tekken 8 Embraces Accessibility with Special Style Controls, but Faces Resistance from Veterans

Tekken 8 Embraces Accessibility with Special Style Controls, but Faces Resistance from Veterans

by Aiman MaulanaJanuary 5, 2024
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Excitement is building for the highly anticipated release of Tekken 8 in January, and game director Katsuhiro Harada is introducing customizable controls, aiming to cater to both newcomers and seasoned fans. However, a specific feature called “Special Style” is generating mixed reactions, especially among veteran players. In this post, we’ll explore the unique aspects of Tekken 8’s controls, Harada’s encouragement for players to try Special Style, and the reactions it has sparked within the gaming community.

Tekken 8: Division Over Special Style Controls

Tekken 8 stands out as one of the most accessible entries in the renowned fighting game series, offering customizable controls that aim to accommodate players with varying skill levels. The game director’s focus on inclusivity is evident in the introduction of Special Style controls, designed to simplify complex combos at the press of a button. While this feature aims to ease the learning curve for newcomers, it has encountered resistance from seasoned players.

Harada encourages both new and experienced players to explore the Special Style controls, which streamline combo execution but come at the cost of reduced autonomy. Veterans are urged to experiment with Special Style when trying out new characters, showcasing intended fighting styles and demonstrating how players can effectively utilize them. However, the response from the veteran player base has been notably divided.

Tekken 8 Release Date Has Been Unveiled - 6 More Characters Confirmed

Despite Harada’s efforts to promote Special Style, many veteran players express a preference for learning characters “the normal way.” A common sentiment among experienced players is the reluctance to adopt Special Style due to perceived limitations. Criticisms highlight concerns about the feature disrupting established combos and restricting creative possibilities.

Harada, known for his engaging interactions with the gaming community, faced resistance on social media platforms, with some players voicing opposition to the inclusion of Special Style. Key objections include the belief that experienced players dislike constraints and a call for more comprehensive tutorials over simplified controls.

Tekken 8 Release Date Has Been Unveiled - 6 More Characters Confirmed

Tekken 8 is scheduled for a global release on January 26, 2024. A playable demo has been made available to PlayStation 5 users, with subsequent releases on PC and Xbox Series X|S. Players have the opportunity to experience the game firsthand and explore the controversial Special Style controls before its official launch.


Pokdepinion: As Tekken 8 aims for broad accessibility, the introduction of Special Style controls adds an intriguing layer to the gameplay experience. While the game director’s intentions are rooted in making Tekken more approachable, the divide among players emphasizes the challenge of balancing innovation with the expectations of a dedicated fan base. Whether Tekken 8’s Special Style controls find widespread acceptance remains to be seen as the release date approaches.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)