Microsoft Patents Foldable Design Which Could Offer Longevity
After the whole Samsung Galaxy Fold fiasco, it’s safe to assume that companies all around were trying to find out the best way to make a foldable device to be concrete. It seems that Microsoft has patented a design that fits the bill.
According to the patent, Microsoft seems to be looking at a liquid-fortified hinge as the answer to keep foldable devices to last longer. How does it work you ask? Well it appears that the liquid fills in gaps created by movement of the hinge which will then relieve the pressure on the display.
It doesn’t stop just there. Since there’s liquid inside, they think that it will also prevent dust as well as debris from entering the display, besides the pressure relieve.
It is said that Microsoft doesn’t intent for it to be exclusive to themselves or any Microsoft foldable device. It seems that they’ve filed the patent by naming it “Microsoft technology licensing” which may imply that they could offer the design to other companies in the market.
Pokdepinion: Interesting idea. Hopefully it will feature in devices in the near future. As we know, some patents gets official but nothing becomes of them. Let’s just hope that they don’t throw it away.