Why TM Streamyx Users Should Reconsider Getting Speed Upgrades

Aiman Maulana
By Aiman Maulana 4 Min Read
Why TM Streamyx Users Should Reconsider Getting Speed Upgrades

Why TM Streamyx Users Should Reconsider Getting Speed Upgrades

Why TM Streamyx Users Should Reconsider Getting Speed Upgrades - 19

If you’re a TM Streamyx / Unifi Lite user then chances are that you can’t wait to either upgrade your internet speed, get a discounted price, or even both. Now, there may be some confusion that we’d like to help clear, and that you should reconsider getting speed upgrades until you understand what is going to happen exactly.

TM Streamyx Users Not Applying for Speed Upgrades

Why TM Streamyx Users Should Reconsider Getting Speed Upgrades

If you’re a TM Streamyx user with a monthly fee that costs more than RM69, TM will only maintain the speed that you are currently on. Therefore, you won’t be enjoying any speed upgrades come September 2019. Even if the highest speed supported by the copper cable infrastructure, you will be still on the speed that you are currently subscribed to.

Here are some examples to get a clearer idea:

  • If you’re on the 1Mbps plan with a monthly fee of RM110, you will be paying RM69 starting September 2019 and your speed will still be on 1Mbps.
  • If you’re on the 2Mbps plan with a monthly fee of RM130, you will be paying RM69 starting September 2019 and your speed will still be on 2Mbps.

As for those of you who are looking to give a TM a call for to request for a speed upgrade, that’s where things get a little confusing.

Requesting for Speed Upgrade

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With the above not sounding very appealing, I am very certain that many of you may want to upgrade the speed. After all, you will ultimately be paying less than you are right now. However, it isn’t as simple as it sounds.

Should you choose to call TM to upgrade your internet speed, let’s say to the fastest one supported by copper cable infrastructure at 8Mbps, then this is what’s going to happen. Your contract will most likely be renewed for another year, which means one whole year added to your existing contract.

But wait, there’s more.

You’ll also be paying for the full price of the plan in September 2019. This means that if you take the 8Mbps plan, you will be paying RM160 for that month. You will only be paying the more affordable RM69 per month starting October 2019 onwards.

If you need to request for an upgrade, you will have to do so by end of August 2019. It’s not a bad idea to request for an upgrade especially if you have no other options. We just want you to know what you could be getting yourself into. This information comes from a unifi Community post, which can be viewed by clicking right here.

For more on internet service providers in Malaysia, be sure to stay tuned to Pokde.net for more useful information, tips, and guides.

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  • waited for so long and it isn’t even a free upgrade, imagine paying rm130++ for 2mbps, last time only they upgrade to 4mbps for free but still for the price of rm130+ is not justified, now i thought this is another free upgrade but no only cut the price down with same speed lmao big fail TM… now imma either ask them to upgrade to 8mbps/unifi and if those are not available for my area yet i would just straight subscribe to other isp already, waited for so many years still no unifi

  • I agree with Abdul majeed bin Abu bakar. Make standard speed 8 mbps with monthly bill RM69 for existing customers.

    • TM did mention that when you pay RM69/month, they will deliver 8 Mbps where possible. If your area doesn’t have that then you would have to wait for TM to upgrade the infrastructure for you to enjoy faster speeds…

  • this website given a false information as a clear attention to tarnish Telekom Malaysia image and obviously to brought down the company as down to the ground with nasty agenda. Whose know probably this website had related with the other provider in the market and they can gain a cheap profit with this negative information given to the customer.

    • Hello there,

      How about instead of insinuating that it’s false information using baseless accusations, which clearly is the case as you’re simply speculating that we’re doing this as we have ties with other providers, why not you show us how the information is false? The article is literally using TM Unifi’s own community post as the source.

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