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Apple to Launch Premium iPhone 17 Slim, More Expensive Than Pro Max, Says New Report

Apple to Launch Premium iPhone 17 Slim, More Expensive Than Pro Max, Says New Report

by Aiman MaulanaMay 23, 2024
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Apple is set to revamp its iPhone lineup next year with some major changes. The company plans to retire the Plus model and introduce the iPhone 17 Slim instead. However, contrary to earlier speculation, the iPhone 17 Slim will not merely be a thinner version of the Plus. According to a new report, the iPhone 17 Slim will be the most premium model in the lineup, even surpassing the iPhone 17 Pro Max in price.

Apple to Launch Premium iPhone 17 Slim

Apple to Launch Premium iPhone 17 Slim, More Expensive Than Pro Max, Says New Report 31

Apple’s recent focus on creating thinner devices, exemplified by the release of the thinnest device it has ever made, the 13″ iPad Pro, appears to be continuing with the upcoming iPhone 17 Slim. The new model will embody this trend, offering a significantly thinner design and positioning itself as a luxury device.

Sources describe the iPhone 17 Slim as an iPhone X-level leap in design language for Apple. By 2025, it will indeed be time for a fresh look, and the Slim model is expected to deliver just that. The phone will be “significantly thinner” than any previous iPhone and may feature an aluminum chassis.

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While the design details are not yet finalized, Apple is reportedly exploring several options. The Dynamic Island will be smaller, and the rear camera island might move to the center of the phone. The screen size of the iPhone 17 Slim remains unclear, though earlier rumors suggested it will be smaller than the iPhone 15 Plus.

The decision to discontinue the Plus model after this year is driven by sales numbers. The new Slim iPhone is expected to act as a halo model, attracting more attention and interest than the Plus ever could.


Pokdepinion: If anything, I hope they go for any name other than slim. It doesn’t have the same feel for premiumness compared to Pro, Plus, Ultra, or other similar monikers.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)