[E3 2019] GhostWire: Tokyo is Shinji Mikami’s Newest Game Project
[E3 2019] GhostWire: Tokyo is Shinji Mikami’s Newest Game Project
The infamous Shinji Mikami himself has been teasing his new game project for a few days already. In fact, he mentioned yesterday that he just finished up his last rehearsal and was ready for the real thing today. Guess he wasn’t joking as at the Bethesda E3 2019 press conference, he formally announced Ghostwire: Tokyo, created by him and his team at Tango Gameworks.
GhostWire: Tokyo is a bit of departure from previous Tango Gameworks titles. This is an action adventure game that deals with supernatural horror. People in Tokyo are mysteriously vanishing and it is your job to figure out why. From the trailer, it looks like you’ll have your own spectral abilities along with your trusty bow and arrow.
Mikami is, of course, the name behind some of the biggest titles in video game history. He helped bring Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil 4, and a number of other games to market as a part of Capcom. In 2010, he put together Tango Gameworks and tried to go back to his roots with 2014’s The Evil Within. That game was met with middling critical reviews but the sequel built on what it did well and was well-received as a sequel.
Throughout your journey, you will face off against numerous different types of ghosts and creatures from different urban legends. The cinematic trailer showed off a number of wild-looking entities and I’m personally curious to see what else in the game that the team has in store for us.
You can check out the official website of the game by clicking right here.
Pokdepinion: A supernatural horror game, eh? Well, this will certainly be something I’m gonna have fun playing alone and with friends. The latter mostly just to scare them silly.