HUAWEI P20 Pro Wins “Best Smartphone of the Year” Award From EISA
HUAWEI today received the award of “EISA Best Smartphone 2018-2018” from the European Image and Sound Association (EISA) for their flagship smartphone, the HUAWEI P20 Pro.
HUAWEI Wins EISA Best Smartphone Award 2018
EISA have selected the HUAWEI P20 Pro as the best smartphone of the year for being “the most advanced, innovative, and technically superior smartphone ever” as well as “the perfect companion for mobile users and also a trendsetter in the mobile photography field”.
With its Leica Triple Camera on the P20 Pro, it boasts the highest total pixel count among all smartphone cameras on the market today. It also supports 3x optical zoom and 5x hybrid zoom, plus innovative features including HUAWEI AIS (AI Image Stabilization).
The members from EISA include expert media across the full spectrum of consumer electronics from 27 countries, with each member contributes to one or more of EISA’s six Expert Groups that includes photography, mobile devices, Hi-Fi, home theatre audio, home theatre display and video, and in-car electronics. Each year, the members will nominate a list of products that they consider to be the standout among these each groups. The award will be formally presented to HUAWEI during IFA at the EISA Awards Ceremony on August 31 in Berlin.
Previously, HUAWEI won EISA’s award for Smartphone Camera 2017-2018 through their P10 smartphone.
Pokdepinion: If you have argued with someone on what is the best smartphone that’s on the market, well now you have the answer already. Congratulations to HUAWEI, that needs to be said.