Samsung Starts Production In New EUV Line For 7nm Chips
The folks at Samsung has already started production of their new EUV (extreme ultra violet) semiconductor line, which will be making 7nm chips, or even smaller.
Samsung’s V1 facility is their first semiconductor production line, dedicated to EUV lithography tech will be the one to produce the chips.
What’s surprising is that Samsung has said that they will aim to create chips as small as 3nm.
Along with technology leadership and design infrastructure, manufacturing excellence is one of the most important elements of the foundry business. As we ramp up production, the V1 line will enhance our ability to respond to market demand and expand opportunities to support our customers.
Dr. ES Jung, President and Head of Foundry Business Samsung Electronics
With the V1 line, it means that Samsung now has a total of six foundry production lines in South Korea and the United States.
Samsung has said that by the end of 2020, the cumulative investment in the V1 line will reach USD 6 billion, where the total capacity from 7nm and below process node is expected to triple from that of 2019.
Pokdepinion: Well look at how far we’ve come. Chips as small as 3nm? That’s just insane.