Samsung Supports Local Entrepreneurs Through Global Startup Program
Samsung held their annual Employee Volunteer Program today under the theme ‘Global Startup Acceleration Program’ for the year 2018. The program which is a joint collaboration between the Ministry Youth and Sports Malaysia, International Youth Center Kuala Lumpur, StartupMalaysia, and also the Malaysian Youth Council.
Samsung Supports Local Budding Entrepreneurs
Hosted at the International Youth Center (IYC) Kuala Lumpur, the business boot camp saw participants beng mentored by 35 volunteering experts and engineers from Samsung Headquarters. Participants were taught in the areas of business problem-solving such as marketing, engineering, design, business strategy, and more.
Throughout the 5-day program, a total of 16 participating Malaysian startups were divided.
The Samsung Global Startup Acceleration Program is an international initiative, spanning across countries such as India, Indonesia, Nepal, South Africa, and of course, Malaysia. Participants of the program were selected by the Samsung mentors themselves, who took in factors such as the participant’s motivation for starting their business, their passion and business models.
Pokdepinion: A good initiative from Samsung. It’s good to see that they do annual programs (this is not the only one) that gives back to the community.