This is Why Apps Are Asking for Bluetooth Permissions in iOS 13 – Be Very Careful

Aiman Maulana
By Aiman Maulana 2 Min Read
This is Why Apps Are Asking for Bluetooth Permissions in iOS 13 – Be Very Careful

This is Why Apps Are Asking for Bluetooth Permissions in iOS 13

This is Why Apps Are Asking for Bluetooth Permissions in iOS 13 - Be Very Careful - 16
Picture credits: The Verge

The new iOS 13 comes with a slew of new features that many users will be able to enjoy. Some of the more notable ones include the long-awaited Dark Mode and a less-intrusive volume slider. However, there’s one thing that people may find odd, and it’s Bluetooth permissions for apps.

I’m sure some of you may be wondering why apps on iOS 13 need Bluetooth permissions. The new update changes how apps gain permission to utilize your Bluetooth. While it would make sense for apps that play audio such as Spotify, it makes less sense for the ones that don’t, like social media for example. However, that appears to be the case now.

Bluetooth can be used to track users. When these apps are capable of gaining at least a somewhat accurate estimate of your location, they’re able to serve ads that are more likely to appeal to you. This is one of Apple’s many ways implemented to protect users’ privacy.

Basically, make sure to know what you’re giving permissions to instead of just hitting yes to get over it as quickly as possible. For all we know, there may be more malicious apps lurking that might just do more with your location data.

Source: KnowTechie

Pokdepinion: Well, now we have one extra thing to keep in mind for our own security. There sure are a lot of things trying to track down our locations and what not. Kinda scary.

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