Alter Ego and Myth Avenue Gaming Win APAC Predator League 2025, India to Host Next Edition

Low Boon Shen
By Low Boon Shen 2 Min Read

At the Asia Pacific (APAC) Predator League 2025 held in MITEC, Kuala Lumpur, two teams emerged from their respective games as champions of the tournament: the Indonesia-based Alter Ego (VALORANT) and Malaysian squad Myth Avenue Gaming (Dota 2).

APAC Predator League 2025 Wraps Up

In the VALORANT Grand Finals, Alter Ego overcame ZOL Esports in a closely contested match – the latter staged a dramatic comeback with a 6-win streak to level the score at 11:11, leaving both teams with two more wins ahead of their rival to claim the title; however, Alter Ego regained composure just in time to deny a miracle comeback from the Philippines-based squad. Player “Cud” representing Alter Ego was awarded the MVP of the match.

Meanwhile, in the Dota 2 Grand Finals, local heroes Myth Avenue Gaming defeated Team Helios with a decisive 2-0 victory, with player “Bob King” winning the MVP award. Both winning teams were given the opportunity to lift the Predator Shield to the cheers of the local audience, and they both take home a total of USD 65,000 in prize. MVPs were awarded an additional USD 10,000 for their exceptional performances, while nominees of the all-star team for both games – voted by the public – also get to keep USD 2,000 in prize.

Concluding the 2-day event, Acer announced that the next APAC Predator League will be hosted by Acer’s India division, following a ceremonial handover of the Predator League pennant by Acer Malaysia. Now in its sixth running, the APAC Predator League has been revamped this year with new avatars Nero and Yuffy, multi-language theme songs, and plans to further expand and promote the esports culture to the masses.

Pokdepinion: It was a pretty fun event, and it’s great to see Acer putting considerable efforts into making this happen.

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