PS5 Price Will Reflect Its Value Rather Than Lowest Price According to PlayStation CEO

Aiman Maulana
By Aiman Maulana 2 Min Read
PS5 Price Will Reflect Its Value Rather Than Lowest Price According to PlayStation CEO

PS5 Price Will Reflect Its Value Rather Than Lowest Price According to PlayStation CEO - 16

I’m sure many of you are curious to know about the PS5 price, as it would be great to know how much to save up before it launches. While we don’t exactly have it, we may have some sorta clue for it.

In an interview with PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan, he mentioned that the PS5 Price will reflect value rather than it being the cheapest next-gen gaming console.

PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan on PS5 Price and Value

I think the best way that we can address this is by providing the best possible value proposition that we can. I don’t necessarily mean lowest price. Value is a combination of many things. In our area it means games, it means number of games, depth of games, breadth of games, quality of games, price of games, all of these things and how they avail themselves of the feature set of the platform.

Apart from that, Jim Ryan also talked about how they don’t plan on making first-party games cross-platform compatible for the PS4 and PS5. However, they are implementing a new rule where PS4 games will have to be compatible with the PlayStation 5. This would make it more viable to be an early adopter of the next gen console.

For now, we can look forward to 11th June 2020 where there is expected to be a major PS5 reveal. We’re not sure what they have to share with us, but we will be reporting as soon as information becomes available so stay tuned.


Pokdepinion: I would not be surprised to see it priced rather high, especially given how pricey SSD storage is and we would definitely need a big capacity. I’m just hoping it won’t be too high.

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