Apex Legends Was Leaked on Reddit Over A Year Ago

Aiman Maulana
By Aiman Maulana 2 Min Read
Apex Legends Was Leaked on Reddit Over A Year Ago

Apex Legends Was Leaked on Reddit Over A Year

11 months ago, this was leaked in r/titanfall. All he got was pessimistic comments.
byu/Fubbles22 inapexlegends

Apex Legends had a surprise release which caught many gamers off guard and became the best battle royale game around today. Not only does the hero shooter elements work well in a battle royale environment, it made the saturated genre feel new and fresh again. Surprisingly, the game’s release isn’t exactly from out of nowhere as it was actually leaked on Reddit about a year ago.

Over on the Apex Legends subreddit, u/Fubbles22 noted that 11 months ago, another user with the user name u/hitconic posted a picture of an alleged map of a Titanfall battle royale game being created by Respawn. You can see the post below.

The Respawn Community Manager chimed in down in the comment section. They stated that they actually remembered this post and was happy to see that people were just blowing it off. They also thought that they would be able to say they were right when the next year comes along.

As big as this game is now, I am surprised that nobody has caught this sooner. It’s hilarious to see the actual map of the game get leaked and everyone in the comment section calling it fake. Let this be a reminder that while you should take information with a grain of salt, you shouldn’t be so quick to judge it.

Apex Legends is currently available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One for free.

Pokdepinion: I guess when there’s a number of battle royale games out, it’s hard to really care. Now, it’s the hottest one out there.

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