New PSVR Will Not Be Launching Together with the PS5

Aiman Maulana
By Aiman Maulana 2 Min Read
New PSVR Will Not Be Launching Together with the PS5

New PSVR Will Not Be Launching Together with the PS5

New PSVR Will Not Be Launching Together with the PS5 - 18

There’s been plenty of details about the PlayStation 5 and what we can expect from it. As for the PSVR, we’ve learned that while an updated revision is in the works, gamers can just use the existing one and play without any problems. Now, we have more details about virtual reality on the next-gen PlayStation console.

It appears that a newer version of the PSVR will not be released together with the PS5. In fact, it was mentioned that there will not be a new headset for quite a while. In an interview with CNET, Dominic Mallinson, Sony Global Head of R&D, mentioned that:

There’s no reason for us to coincide it with a new console. From the point of view of the consumer, to be bombarded with many, many things – oh, you have to buy this, you have to buy that – is a message that we don’t want to send. In some ways, it’s good to have a little breathing space between those things.

As for potential improvements in newer revisions of the PSVR, it is said that they plan on making it lighter, easier to put on, less cables, and less mess. There was also mention of integrating the eye-tracking software in the headset itself, with unspecified improvements for the Move controllers.

The good news is that Sony Interactive Entertainment certainly has more plans in the virtual reality space with their next-gen console. If all goes well, perhaps it might be enough to spark interest again as a viable way of gaming.

Source: CNET

Pokdepinion: Whenever the new revision comes out, I hope it’s still as reliable, and at least as affordable. If it’s more affordable, even better.

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