Barista Refused To Serve Customer Who Was Wearing AirPods
Over in the US, it seems that a barista has interestingly refused to take orders from a person who was wearing Apple’s AirPods.
The incident happened at a place called The Takeout in Chicago, where the wearer was clearly offended with the ordeal. The man, who’s called Kevin complained “I was at the coffee shop counter, and the cashier wouldn’t take my order until I took off my AirPod! And it was only in one ear! Am I the ***hole here?”.
In response, the waitress, said that in her defense “I am trying hard here to give you the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps you were in the middle of a very important phone call/ podcast/ guitar riff that could not be paused for the 30 or so seconds it takes to order a cup of coffee. In which case, you very politely step aside to conclude your business and then order your coffee”.
She then suggested that if Kevin wanted to embrace technology so much, he could’ve went to either Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts instead where their apps allow you to order and he can pick up a coffee without any human interaction.
Additionally she adds “Because that’s the thing, sweetie pie. THE CASHIER IS A HUMAN BEING! JUST LIKE YOU! Their role in your life may be temporary and functional, but they’ve got feelings and hopes and dreams and aspirations. And like you (probably) they would like your full and undivided attention while you ask them to perform a service for you”.
Pokdepinion: I won’t be taking sides in this argument… but it’s not that hard to pull out both your earbuds/AirPods for just a little while..