TM Unifi Service Disruption in Sarawak Area Due to Fibre Cable Issues

Aiman Maulana
By Aiman Maulana 2 Min Read
TM Unifi Service Disruption in Sarawak Area Due to Fibre Cable Issues

TM Unifi Service Disruption in Sarawak Area Due to Fibre Cable Issues

If you’re a TM Unifi subscriber and you’re wondering why you have trouble getting internet access or if it’s a lot slower than usual, then this might just be the case. It appears that there is a TM Unifi service disruption in certain parts of Sarawak.

The areas that were specifically mentioned are Sibu, Tanjung Manis, Sri Aman (not to be confused with the school of the same name in Petaling Jaya), and Bitangor in Sarawak. It may have an effect on nearby areas but for now, these were the ones specifically mentioned.

The reason behind the TM Unifi service disruption is said to be due to a “fibre cable fault” and it started from 23rd December 2018 at 9AM. At the moment, they have already begun repairs in order to restore the service to its full capacity but they will need a bit of time in order to do that.

The repairs will be done in stages and the service is expected to be fully restored by the morning of 24th December 2018. This is of course assuming that everything will go smoothly.

Pokdepinion: If you have a friend based in Sarawak who’s currently complaining about slow / no internet, do share this them as it might be the reason why.

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