Troy Baker Says “You Aren’t Ready” For Last of Us Part II
While it has been quite some time since Sony Interactive Entertainment unveiling The Last of Us Part II, there was no details on when it will come out. but when it does, it will be more than what you’d expect. At least, that’s what Troy Baker, the voice actor for Joel has to say.
Baker has warned gamers that are waiting for the highly anticipated game that they aren’t ready for it.
He said “There is nothing about this game, nor the reveals, that hasn’t been one hundred percent carefully crafted and methodically curated. All I can tell you is that as much as you’re clamoring for it, you’re not ready”.
Simply put, he’s trying to say that the game will blow our expectations away, when it finally comes out. The original Last of Us took gamers on a emotional roller coaster ride, where it featured dark and mature themes. So it’s best to assume that we can expect even much more than that.
The Last of Us Part II is currently in development for the PS4 and is reported to be made available for the upcoming PS5 as well.
Pokdepinion: Believe me Mr. Baker, I’m ready for it. Just give us the release date already.