WhatsApp Dents Government’s Smoking Ban Movement By Blocking Complaint Hotline
It’s been six months since the the local ministry here in Malaysia enforced a smoking ban in eateries as well as public places. They’ve even set up a hotline on Whatsapp for users to report if there’s cases of people who disobey the rule. Now it seems that messaging platform has totally block the hotline.
Now, if you sent a message to the number 60108608949, your message will not be sent, with it not showing the ‘double tick’ sign that we know as to be sent.
The news, which was revealed by FMT, has said that there were reports of complaint over privacy, thus having the number mentioned to be blocked by WhatsApp. According to their source from the health ministry, they are now consulting their legal experts on how they can provide the complaint channel (on the app) without being accused of breaking the rules.
Started earlier in the year, if you are caught smoking in restaurants or even public places, you can be fined up to RM10,000 or even serve three years in jail.
Pokdepinion: Come on guys, there shouldn’t be complaints in the first place. Go smoke at a place that you’ll not bother the people around.