Microsoft Faces Lawsuit Due To Xbox Elite Controller Issue

Raja Idris
By Raja Idris 2 Min Read
Microsoft Faces Lawsuit Due To Xbox Elite Controller Issue

Though the Xbox family isn’t big here (due to the lack of support) in Malaysia, their controllers are quite common, even for PC gamers. It appears that Microsoft face legal action thanks to an issue with their Xbox Elite controller.

Microsoft to face legal action for Xbox Elite controller

What’s the issue all about? Well it seems that over in America, a lawsuit has been filed to the company over the Elite controller. The cause? The lawsuit claims that the controller has ‘stick drift’ issues and Microsoft is just letting the problem as it is.

For those of you who don’t know, the issue causes the thumb sticks to register inputs without them being actually moved and we can see how it can frustrate gamers.

The person who has raised the case, Donald McFadden has said that he had purchase two of the Xbox Elite controllers and both of them had the same issue. What he’s annoyed with it is that Microsoft decided to ignore the whole problem with their product, where it is believed they would rather let the 90-day warranty that the controller has to settle it instead.


Pokdepinion: While I may not own an Xbox One/Elite controller, I can see their issue with this. Let’s just hope something can be done and accordingly.

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1 Comment
  • Don’t like the asymmetrical thumb sticks, especially the one on the left.
    You thumb had to stretch a bit while moving forward, feels uncomfortable for a long period.

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