Genshin Impact 3.5: Dehya Banner 4-Star Characters Revealed

Aiman Maulana
By Aiman Maulana 2 Min Read
Genshin Impact 3.5: Dehya Banner 4-Star Characters Revealed

Been saving up on those Primogems? We now have confirmed details on the 4-star characters in the Dehya banner for Genshin Impact 3.5.

Genshin Impact 3.5: Dehya Banner 4-star Characters

The official Genshin Impact Twitter account has shared some more interesting details on the upcoming 3.5 update, particularly with the 4-star characters that will be arriving with the Dehya banner.

It appears that Collei and Bennett will be joining in the Auric Blaze banner featuring Dehya in the first half, but they will also be joining Cyno in the Twilight Arbiter banner in the second half as well. The first banner will begin as soon as Genshin Impact 3.5 is up and running, which is on 1st March 2023.

Genshin Impact 3.5 Update Release Date, Time & Maintenance Schedule

What’s interesting here is that a lot of gamers online were not happy with how Dehya turned out as it’s clear how she was heavily nerfed in the livestream. Her move to the Wanderlust Invocation cements the fact that the character will end up being underwhelming. As such, the addition of Collei and Bennett is seen as a move to still entice people to pull regardless. Of course, there will be plenty of people saving up for the next update instead as Baizhu will finally be joining the fray.

Genshin Impact 3.5 will be launching on 1st March 2023 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Android, iOS, and PC. If you want to know when the server downtime will start, click right here.


Pokdepinion: Personally, don’t think I’ll be pulling much this season. Maybe just to get the character because I’d be too OCD to miss out on one but I wouldn’t be spending time building her. How about you?

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