Half of PlayStation Releases Making Their Way to PC and Mobile by 2025
More PlayStation Games Coming to PC and Mobile by 2025
It appears that Sony Interactive Entertainment is looking to expand their presence in the gaming market even further as they are looking to make a bigger impact in PC and mobile by releasing more games on those platforms.
According to a recent investor relations briefing, first party PlayStation games on the PS5 are expected to make 50% of the output by fiscal year 2025. As for the remaining, 30% is listed for PC while the leftover 20% will be for Mobile, which is expected to apply to both Android and iOS. It’s also added that by then, PS4 game launches would have already been phased out.
This shouldn’t be too much of a surprise since PlayStation has been wanting to expand more in the mobile games market for a while now. However, this may be a cause of concern for many due to mobile games being more simplistic in nature and typically accompanied by microtransactions.
For now, do expect to hear more PlayStation games coming outside of their consoles moving forward. We will report more on this as soon as information becomes available so stay tuned.
Pokdepinion: I’m sure they will be ramping up on PC ports but for the mobile games, I don’t mind microtransactions. I just hope they are games that are worth playing rather than just being a quick cashgrab with little to no gameplay elements.