The Newest Hero in Overwatch, Orisa, is an Omnic Centaur? She’s Now Playable

Aiman Maulana
3 Min Read
The Newest Hero in Overwatch, Orisa, is an Omnic Centaur? She’s Now Playable
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You were expecting Doomfist in Overwatch? NO! You get mecha-centaur Orisa instead!

We all knew that Blizzard will release a brand new hero to Overwatch soon. In fact, we’re expecting multiple new heroes this year, as it’ll keep the game from feeling dated.

Most of us were expecting Doomfist since the payload in Numbani is now missing the gauntlet, as well as news of Terry Crews voicing a character in Overwatch going viral recently. Turns out, we’re getting someone completely new. Introducing the newest tank in Overwatch, Orisa.


Orisa, Overwatch’s 24th Hero

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“The world is a scary place, even here in Numbani…”

Blizzard has introducing their 24th hero in Overwatch, Orisa. It was originally built as a defense mechanism in Numbani but after several units were subdued by none other than Terry Crews Doomfist himself, robotics prodigy Efi Oladele salvaged it and gave it a “heart”.

Orisa is a Tank class character, meant to soak up a lot of damage and help defend teammates, which fits right in line with the hero’s origin as a security robot. Orisa’s primary weapon is the Fusion Driver, which functions like a projectile-based machine gun, with some of the best range of any of Overwatch’s tanks.

The Fusion Driver has an alternative fire mode that can drag enemies in place to more easily fire at. Her Protective Barrier ability is similar to Reinhardt’s shield or Winston’s bubble, but with the added twist that Orisa can place the shield away from herself to shield allies. Additionally, there’s the Fortify ability which prevents Orisa from being knocked back by other heroes when activated.

Finally, Orisa’s Ultimate is Supercharger, is the drum-like device on her back that Orisa can place to provide a damage boost for all allies within line of sight (although players will need to protect the Supercharger once it’s placed since it can be destroyed).

According to Jeff Kaplan, a number of hero re-balances will be coming when Orisa finally hits the main game. For now, she’s playable in Overwatch’s PTR region, a.k.a. the Play Test Region.


Pokdepinion: It’s good to see that they’ve finally added a new tank hero. The current tanks we have feels kinda limited now, especially when it’s pretty easy to counter them…sans Can’t wait to give it a try and see what Orisa is truly capable of. A damage buffer/tank sounds like a deadly combo.

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    • I hope you managed to give it a try at PTR cuz this hero is imbalanced as hell. It’s surprisingly fun :D

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