Streamer Lose Followers After Her Face Filter Malfunctioned
We can’t deny that in today’s world, filters have become common thing in social media. Some use it for fun, while some utilize it to make them look better (who are we to judge them,anyways?). Now it seems that the feature has backfired for a streamer from China.
Known as “Your Highness Qiao Biluo“, the Chinese vlogger was revealed to be older than what she ‘appeared’ to be. Unfortunately for her, there was a technical glitch that occurred when she was on a joint-live stream with another streamer which exposed the fact that she has been using filters.

It’s reported that her fans had been asking her to remove her filter and show her real face but she said that she’ll only reveal the truth if she’s gotten higher donations from her fans. She’s been reported to have said “I can’t show my face until I receive gifts worth 100,000 yuan (~RM59,969). After all, I’m a good-looking host”.
Money then began to roll-in for her and it all went south for her as her filter faded at one point. She then started to lose her followers, which she only noticed after noticing that fans were leaving from her paid VIP room. You can check out how she really looks like in the video linked below.
Ever since the incident happened, it is said that she has decided to suspend her channel, according to Weibo users. Some of them has said that it’s a good thing that she closed up for conning people’s money.
On the other hand, some even sympathized her, asking that people shouldn’t judge her by her image along and note that her rise to fame came from her voice.
Pokdepinion: I wouldn’t say that I’m shocked by what happened. I mean, it’s common. You’d find videos of how these streamers use filters all over the internet. The thing that I’m surprised is the fact that people were willing to throw cash at her to reveal her face.
A slap to her face to make her wake up to face reality