#VideogamesAreNotToBlame Is Now Trending Following Donald Trump’s Comments

Raja Idris
By Raja Idris 2 Min Read
#VideogamesAreNotToBlame Is Now Trending Following Donald Trump’s Comments

Video games has been pointed out by several sides as the cause for violence, especially in the United States. With the recent tragedies that took place, Donald Trump joined the bandwagon by saying “gruesome and grisly video games” contributes to the “glorification of violent in our society”.

As an act to stand up to his statement, Twitter users have started and shared their views on the whole situation on how video games shouldn’t be ones to be blamed by creating the hashtag #VideogamesAreNotToBlame, which is now currently trending.


Some users gave pretty logical insights on the matter, where they look on the funny side of things where they argued on how innocent games such as Minecraft and Mario could ever be the cause for the social problem.

Adding to that, the Entertainment Software Association has responded to Trump’s claims by saying “More than 165 million Americans enjoy video games, and billions of people play video games worldwide. Yet other societies, where video games are played as avidly, do not contend with the tragic levels of violence that occur in the U.S. Video games contribute to society, from new medical therapies and advancements, educational tools, business innovation, and more”.


Pokdepinion: For starters, the U.S should probably ban guns in the first place..

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