Win Realme smartphones and more with Realme’s Angpau for You campaign!

Vyncent Chan
By Vyncent Chan 2 Min Read
Win Realme smartphones and more with Realme’s Angpau for You campaign!

Realme is running their “Angpau for You!” campaign from now till 10th February, and they are giving away some really attractive prizes, including smartphones!

A Fruit Ninja-esque game will have you slashing angpaus to unlock gifts like the Realme C1, Realme 2, Realme 2 Pro, Olike wrist bands, OPPO selfie sticks and Lazada and Shopee vouchers. You can only play once with every account, so do your absolute best! At the end of the round you will be given a chance to enter a lucky draw. Also it’s best to use Chrome on a desktop for this game to prevent losing your chance of winning good stuff.

Win Realme smartphones and more with Realme's Angpau for You campaign! - 19

Aside from getting your lucky draw prize, Realme will also be giving out smartphones weekly. To participate in the weekly smartphone giveaway, all you have to do is:

  1. You must like the official Realme Malaysia Facebook page:
  2. Share the post for the weekly prizes posted on the official Realme Malaysia Facebook page on your personal Facebook pages
  3. Share the thread on your Facebook pages with #RealmeCNY #RealmeAngpau

Four winners will be selected every week, so you have a pretty good chance from now till 10th February to win yourself a Realme device. Good luck!

Pokdepinion: Well I blew my chance with a RM7 Shopee voucher. Hope you have better luck!

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