Maxis Campaign successfully completes trial of close to 10Gbps speed

The launch of Maxis’ brand new campaign, Rangkaian Kita Rangkaian Malaysia (RKRM), aims to reinforce and deepen Maxis’ Always Be Ahead brand purpose that was launched two years ago. The campaign is driven by the mobile telecommunications provider’s commitment to empowering Malaysians to stay linked in a highly connected world.
As Malaysia’s leading converged solutions provider, Maxis has successfully completed its first trial of 10G PON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) FTTH technology that is set to be the next generation of fibre-to-home network. Having reached download speeds of close to 10Gbps over its live network, the 10G PON technology is said to be the current fastest passive optical network technology as compared to any normal GPON technology readily available in Malaysia.
Maxis presents 10G PON technology: The Future of Fibre Broadband Connectivity

The first successful trial was conducted at Menara Maxis and the outcome showed that a 1GB video can be downloaded in less than a second, as compared to the current approximately 23 seconds on a normal 300Mbps GPON download speed. Presently, most fibre networks operate on GPON technology that supports up to 2.5Gbps downstream speed on a shared basis.
As the fastest fibre broadband connectivity network, Maxis’ 10G PON home fibre will provide gigabit ultra-broadband for fixed access users. The network capacity allows multiple users to share the network over a passive fibre-optic infrastructure, where fibre to individual users branch out from a single fibre running to a network node. With increased bandwidth, users can achieve faster download speeds and lower latency.
At the moment, Maxis offers home fibre broadband plans with speeds ranging from 30Mbps to 800Mbps. With access to over 21,000km of fibre coverage covering 5.5 million premises across the country, the telco provider has 4.8 million converged subscribers that use both Maxis mobile and broadband services concurrently.
Pokdepinion: As someone who suffers from bad internet daily, this new upgrade that Maxis has is making me want to convert to their home fibre network immediately.