Yes 5G Crowned Ookla Speedtest Awards As Malaysia’s Fastest Mobile Network
Yes 5G Crowned Ookla Speedtest Awards As Malaysia’s Fastest Mobile Network
The provider leads the pack in the Speed Score ranking, determined by overall network speeds.
YTL Communications’ network operator, Yes, was awarded Ookla Speedtest Awards with its leading mobile network speeds in the Q3-Q4 2022 period. Ookla is the company behind the popular network test tools which measures various network’s download and upload speeds across a network.
According to Ookla’s Speedtest Intelligence data analysis, Yes 5G clinched the first place with a Speed Score of 84.53, and download speeds are measured at 569.09Mbps whereas upload speeds peaked at 65.58Mbps. The Speed Score system incorporates a measure of each provider’s download and upload speed to rank network speed performance.
Ookla CEO Dough Suttles said: “It is our pleasure to present Yes 5G with the award for Fastest Mobile Network in Malaysia. This recognition is a testament to their exceptional performance in Q3-Q4 2022 based on Ookla’s rigorous analysis of consumer-initiated tests taken with Speedtest.”
“As the pioneer in offering affordable 5G services and solutions to Malaysians and our on-going mission to provide ‘Yes 5G for All’, this award is a testament to our efforts in delivering world-class products and services to our consumers. We are truly grateful to be given this recognition by Ookla,” said Wing K. Lee, CEO of YTL Communications.
Pokdepinion: Congrats for the award Yes – although I’d like to see how fast we can push 5G (mmWave especially).