Maybank Confirms Data Leak Allegations are False
Despite recent information pointing towards a potential data breach on their end, Maybank has confirmed that the data leak allegations are false.
Maybank Data Leak Allegations Aren’t True After All?
After word got out that Maybank apparently had some form of data leak recently, they have officially addressed the matter by stating that the allegations aren’t true. In case you missed out, there is a database advertised in a forum in late December 2022 containing over 1.8 million lines supposedly coming from the bank.
The statement, which we received via email, reads:
Following the conclusion of our investigation into the allegation by a third party regarding a purported customer data leak, Maybank can confirm that these claims are false. The Bank would like to reassure its customers that their data remains secure and private and that no customer data has been compromised. Maybank will continue to prioritise its cyber security and data protection measures as customer data protection is of utmost importance to the Bank.
With that bbeing said however, the supposed database within the listing still contained someone’s personal data, which would make us wonder where did it come from. The investigation into the matter will likely continue for now so we will report more on this as soon as information becomes available.
Pokdepinion: Perhaps there has been no recent data breaches on their end but the data could be from a much older database, who knows? Got to wait and see where the investigations will take us.