Age Of Empires 4 Gameplay To Be Revealed Next Month
If you’re a big fan of RTS game, you should know the Age of Empires franchise. Though the game was announced back in 2017, Microsoft has revealed that they will unveil the gameplay for the title at a livestream next month.
Age of Empires 4 gameplay reveal
Despite the announcement of the game being several years back, Microsoft has stayed quiet on the game, at least until now. The event (or livestream) will be live on the 10th of April 2021 where according to the trailer, you will see new things for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition as well as Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition.
In a blog post, here’s what Microsoft has said about the franchise:
Since the release of Age of Empires over 20 years ago, the franchise has grown to support a worldwide community of players with a shared love of real-time strategy. Over the last three years, we’ve delighted seasoned players and new fans alike with the Definitive Editions of Age of Empires, Age of Empires II, and Age of Empires III: projects which were made possible thanks to the feedback and passion of the community. We are so proud to have such an energetic, dedicated fanbase at the foundation of our community.
Age of Empires 4 is developed by Relic Entertainment. Though the game was announced for PC, it remains to be seen on whether it will arrive for Xbox consoles as well. For more of the latest tech and gaming news plus reviews, stay tuned to
Pokdepinion: Being a fan of RTS games, the Age of Empires franchise has always been up there on my list. Hopefully they don’t disappoint with Age of Empires 4.