Gamers Hideout Apologizes for PS5 Pre-Order PWP Bundle

Aiman Maulana
3 Min Read
Gamers Hideout Apologizes for PS5 Pre-Order PWP Bundle

Recently, PS5 pre-orders opened up at Sony Stores, Sony Centres, and PlayStation Authorized Dealers. Gamers Hideout is one authorized dealer that caused quite an issue with the masses due to a forced PWP purchase bundle for the PS5, as we reported here. Now, they have officially given out a statement on the matter via their Facebook page.

Gamers Hideout Apologizes for PS5 Pre-Order PWP Bundle

Gamers Hideout Apologizes for PS5 Pre-Order PWP Bundle

According to the statement given by Gamers Hideout, they acknowledge that their PS5 PWP bundle program is “unpopular” based on feedback by the community. As such, they will be taking immediate action to fix the whole situation.

They mentioned about contacting all the customers that participated in the PS5 PWP bundle program to “readjust your purchases to what you are most comfortable with.” While no specifics were given, it would seem that there is still a chance customers will have to purchase additional stuff together, but a lesser amount. This is purely speculation on my end given the lack of specific details and the wording used by them.

If there was only one thing to be removed from the PS5 PWP bundle program, it would be the Mystery Game pack which goes for RM400. I personally feel that they should allow customers to purchase the console on its own if they want to, but different retailers have different goals, I suppose.

Gamers Hideout Apologizes for PS5 Pre-Order PWP Bundle

Recently, a screenshot made waves in social media which allegedly shows Sony Malaysia stating that they will be taking necessary actions against dealers and that took advantage of the PS5 pre-order situation. We have since reached out to Sony Malaysia and they told us that they can’t verify the authenticity due to it being a direct reply to a customer via the customer service team. Whether Gamers Hideout apologized because of this or not is uncertain.


Pokdepinion: Can’t say for sure if they’re apologizing only because Sony warned them or not, but I’m definitely not confident this will be the last problem the retailer will cause. Well, let’s see what happens next.

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