Blizzard Announces Hearthstone Balance Changes; Lots Of Nerfs Coming Your Way

Aiman Maulana
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Blizzard Announces Hearthstone Balance Changes; Lots Of Nerfs Coming Your Way
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Blizzard has officially announced some balance changes coming to their popular card game, Hearthstone. Spoiler alert, quite a bit of nerfs are coming your way.

Blizzard Announces Hearthstone Balance Changes

Blizzard announced in a blog post that balance changes will occur to a number of cards when Hearthstone‘s 10.2 update is live; all of which will be nerfed.

Blizzard Announces Hearthstone Balance Changes

Firstly, Corridor Creeper’s attack will be reduced from 5 to 2. At this moment, this neutral card is a very strong, especially if it is in-hand at the beginning of the game. Due to its mana reduction ability, you can get some big hits shortly after the game begins.

Blizzard Announces Hearthstone Balance Changes

Bonemare’s mana cost will be increased from 7 to 8. Another strong neutral card that has found its way to a variety of decks, the change will allow opponents more time to prepare to counter its ability.

Blizzard Announces Hearthstone Balance Changes

Although it is on its way out of Standard, Patches the Pirate will no longer have the Charge ability. At its current state, Patches is a great card to pull in the early game alongside another Pirate. Due to how effective it is, almost every class has a few Pirates in their deck. The lack of Charge will make him less prevalent in-game and in player’s decks.

Blizzard Announces Hearthstone Balance Changes

Lastly, Raza the Chained’s Battlecry ability will be altered. It will read “Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, your Hero Power costs (1) this game.” As commonly combined with Shadowreaper Anduin, the change will negatively impact its power level in both Standard and Wild play.

When the update goes live next month, players will have 2weeks to disenchant the altered cards for their full Arcane Dust value.

Hearthstone originally released back in March 2014, and is currently available on PC, Mac, iOS, and Android devices. The latest Kobolds & Catacombs expansion released last month adding 135 new cards.

Source: Blizzard’s Blog Post


Pokdepinion: Something to freshen up the game, perhaps?

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