Here’s How To Take Your Selfies To Another Level With Google’s Art Selfie

Raja Idris
By Raja Idris 2 Min Read
Here’s How To Take Your Selfies To Another Level With Google’s Art Selfie

Do you love to take selfies? Well why not take them a step further with Google’s Art Selfie, which is rolling out here in Malaysia.

Google Art Selfie

Here's How To Take Your Selfies To Another Level With Google's Art Selfie - 17You might have seen it over the internet of famous celebrities using it to find their portrait double with some really strange yet funny results. Well now you can try it out for yourself as it is now available in Malaysia.

So here are the steps you need to follow to try out the feature;

  1.  Download the Google Arts & Culture app on either Android or iOS (it’s free by the way)
  2. Open the app and locate the main news feed
  3. Scroll down to find the feature and then click on it
  4.  Snap your best selfie away and wait for it to calculate your results
  5.  You can then choose to share it to your social media of choice.

The app relies on the same technology that helps its Lens smartphone tool that helps recognize objects in your pics. When a selfie is taken, Google compares it to the faces of in famous artworks from their partner museums and then find the best matches available.

Not to forget, you can then tap on the results to find out more on the painting or the artist behind it.

Pokdepinion: Tried it literally just moments ago. The results was awkward to say the least but still hilarious. You should try it out with your friends and compare results :P

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