MCMC Looking to Suspend E-Commerce Platforms With Pirated Goods

Aiman Maulana
By Aiman Maulana 2 Min Read
MCMC Looking to Suspend E-Commerce Platforms With Pirated Goods

MCMC Looking to Suspend E-Commerce Platforms With Pirated Goods

Piracy has been a rampant issue for a long time, not just in Malaysia, but on a global scale. This led to software developers and publishers shifting to a subscription-based plan as opposed to a one-shot payment scheme. That isn’t enough to end piracy however, as it has made its way to e-commerce platforms. MCMC is now looking to take action curb piracy in their newest move.

MCMC Looking to Suspend E-Commerce Platforms With Pirated Goods

MCMC Looking to Suspend E-Commerce Platforms With Pirated Goods

Recently, it was found that some e-commerce platforms are selling pirated content including software, local movies, and more. While the sellers themselves are responsible for the items they sell, the e-commerce site itself is responsible for what is being sold on their platform.

As such, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is looking to suspend e-commerce sites with pirated products being sold on their platform. They said that they will be looking to action after receiving information from the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP).

Needless to say, it’s illegal to use or purchase pirated goods. To protect yourself as a consumer, it’s best to identify and purchase original products instead. This way, you can prevent yourself from trouble with the law, and also to avoid from getting scammed. Especially with software, you may never know if it might be riddled with spyware or some other funny business.


Pokdepinion: It’s been a big problem that’s plaguing businesses for a long time. Hopefully, this will be enough to curb the sales of pirated goods.

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