TM Claims Upload Speed Issue Isn’t False Advertising And Is Simply a Mistake
Recently, we reported about TM slashing the upload speed of their Unifi 500Mbps plan by half, with MCMC investigating the company on the matter. Now, it appears to not be a case of false advertising but rather, a simple mistake.
TM Claims Upload Speed Issue Isn’t False Advertising And Is Simply a Mistake
According to Telekom Malaysia (TM), there has been no changes to the upload speed of their Unifi 500Mbps plan. In fact, it was simply an error on their end and they have since their website, FAQ, and leaflets to reflect the matter 8 days after the plan was unveiled. For now, they are giving their full cooperation to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) for the investigation.
A correction was made to an error in the upload speed for our 500Mbps package stated in the FAQ, unifi Portal and leaflets on 2 September 2020. The correct upload speed configuration for 500Mbps is 100Mbps instead of 200Mbps stated in the earlier version of the FAQs, unifi Portal and leaflets.
The company has also apologized for the inconvenience, and made note that all customers are still within the 30-day Try Me period since the plan was launched less than a month ago. This means that customers can freely cancel their internet subscription plan without worrying about any penalty fees. They are looking to call customers who signed up for the Unifi 500Mbps plan starting 21st September onwards to inform them of the error and provide available options to move forward.
Previously, numerous complaints were issued by consumers on the Unifi 500Mbps plan being reduced to half quietly. This resulted in MCMC taking action by launching an investigation into the matter. The company has since reassured customers and stakeholders on their commitment to protect and uphold the rights of consumers, stating that they will continue to be transparent in keeping customers informed.
The Unifi 500Mbps plan, along with the 800Mbps plan, is the newest offering that was launched on 2nd September 2020. Initially, both plans were listed with an upload speed of 200Mbps but the former has since been reduced to 100Mbps.
MCMC mentioned that with various news outlets reporting on the initial offering, it would seem as if TM has mislead consumers on the new internet plan. They assured the masses that if there are any findings that indicate a compromise of consumer rights, they will take further action against TM.
Pokdepinion: I’m actually not even sure how they could make such a mistake, and how they only updated it slightly more than a week after the initial unveiling. It’s not such a huge deal, to me at least, but it will affect the consumer’s trust towards the company.