App Store Prevented Over $7bn Of Fraudulent Transactions In 4 Years: Apple

Low Boon Shen
By Low Boon Shen 3 Min Read
App Store Prevented Over $7bn Of Fraudulent Transactions In 4 Years: Apple

App Store Prevented Over $7bn Of Fraudulent Transactions In 4 Years: Apple

App Store Prevented Over $7bn Of Fraudulent Transactions In 4 Years: Apple

Apple has published its latest annual fraud prevention analysis report today, which details the company’s efforts to prevent fraudulent transactions through the App Store. In the past four years (2020-2023), the company has prevented a total of over $7 billion (~RM33 billion) in potentially fraudulent transactions, including more than $1.8 billion (~RM8.5 billion) just last year.

There are a lot of big numbers as quoted by the company, including 14 million stolen credit cards and 3.3 million accounts blocked from performing transactions in the past four years. In just 2023 alone, 1.7 million app submissions were rejected for not meeting the App Store’s standards, plus nearly 374 million accounts were banned, and roughly 152 million potentially fake reviews were deleted.

Delving the numbers in detail, Apple reported that nearly 118,000 developer accounts were banned for fraud concerns – a sharp drop from 428,000 banned accounts from the year before – and a further 91,000-plus accounts were blocked from the creation process to further crack down on such activities. Over 153 million fraudulent accounts were blocked from creation, on top of the nearly 374 million accounts banned for the same reason.

Additionally, the company says its 500-strong App Review team reviews every single app submission before it gets officially listed on the App Store. The team screens “approximately 132,500 apps a week”, and that amounts to a total of 6.9 million apps reviewed in just last year. It has also blocked over 47,000 apps outside of the App Store from reaching Apple users, plus 3.8 million attempts to install illegally-distributed apps via the workaround through the Developer Enterprise Program.

The company maintains its position that it will “continue to invest in its long-standing commitment to protect the quality and security of the App Store in the best interests of all users and developers.”

Pokdepinion: The numbers are a lot bigger than what I’d expect. 

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