YouTube Trials AI Chatbot Residing Under Videos You’re Watching
YouTube Trials AI Chatbot Residing Under Videos You’re Watching
There’s quite a bit of movement on YouTube recently, including expanding its adblock-combatting efforts, testing a “Play Something” button, and now a conversational AI that sits under videos you’re watching. It hasn’t been given any sort of fancy name just yet, as it’s currently referred to as “A conversational AI tool” in Google’s support article.
Its functions are pretty much what you expect from most generative AI chatbots these days, which include providing answers regarding the video or suggesting related content to watch. It’s also capable of quizzing users if the video contains educational content. Users enrolled in the test (limited to YouTube Premium subscribers in the US) can access the feature by tapping on the comments panel and tapping “Ask” to begin.
It’s one of many among Google’s recent efforts to integrate AI into its services, which previously consisted of multi-language audio dubbing, for example. In the same article, YouTube also mentions AI-powered comment summarization, which aims to organize large comment sections into “easily-digestible themes”. This is presented as a separate “Topics” tab, and is currently an ongoing test on select English-language videos.
Source: The Verge
Pokdepinion: I don’t think the implementation wouldn’t provide much use in practice, since people may just end up watching the content and move on soon enough.