Top 10 Trending Search Terms on Google in Malaysia 2022
Google Malaysia recently revealed the top 10 trending search terms in the country for 2022, and you’re going to be surprised with some of them. To have a little bit of fun, we’re going to include the riddles that Google created so you can play along for some added bit of fun or just head straight to the answer if you wish.
10. The Test
The Riddle:
I am a fun way to discover if you mind is younger or older than the way you physically appear.
The Answer:
Mental Age Test
9. Royalty
The Riddle:
I have reigned over a country for 70 years, witnessed the coming and going of 15 Prime Ministers, and celebrate my birthday twice a year.
The Answer:
Queen Elizabeth.
8. A Long Time Coming
The Riddle:
I was a finance minister in the 90s, a movement leader throughout the noughties, and the chief of cabinet in present day Malaysia.
The Answer:
Anwar Ibrahim.
7. Guiding the Future
The Riddle:
I am an initiative by the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, providing digital access to education.
The Answer:
Peranti Siswa
6. The Daily Puzzle Game
The Riddle:
I am a puzzle with six tries, in which players guess words with letters of five, and progress is shown through coloured tiles.
The Answer:
5. Empowering the People
The Riddle:
I am a one-stop resource for voters, explaining manifestos, parties and others, created by a group of news publishers.
The Answer:
4. Hope
The Riddle:
I present the collective voice of the nation, stating seat majorities and various information, following the end of the general elections.
The Answer:
Keputusan PRU-15.
3. Kicking Balls SFW Edition
The Riddle:
I am a celebration that’s observed all over the world, in which a ball is kicked and passed, under and over, until one nation is crowned the winner.
The Answer:
Qatar World Cup 2022.
2. Gotta Be Sure
The Riddle:
I am a source of important information, related to details of the general elections, available in both web and app versions.
The Answer:
MySPR Semak.
1. A Much Needed Helping Hand
The Riddle:
I am an aid in ringgit and cents, announced in a presentation of estimated expenses and aimed at those in the lowest tax bracket.
The Answer:
Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia (BKM).
Big thanks to Google Malaysia for sending us the care package containing these cards. Let’s see where the new year will take us next.
Pokdepinion: I honestly thought Wordle would be higher up in the Google search list since I still notice a bunch of people playing it. Also, I’m sure a lot of searched about the World Cup on Google for the controversies.