Borderlands 3 Has the Smartest Co-Op Implementation We’ve Ever Seen Thus Far
Borderlands 3 Has the Smartest Co-Op Implementation We’ve Ever Seen Thus Far
We recently wrapped out our review of Borderlands 3, which we had plenty of fun with. Our review mostly focused on the single player aspect of the game but what about co-op? That’s what we’re going to be talking about right here.
If you want to check out our Borderlands 3 review instead, click right here.
The Game Knows Your Friends Can Be A Pain
At the start of your playthrough in Borderlands 3, the game lets you pick between two different co-op modes; Cooperation and Coopetition. The reason you have to pick it then and there is because your friends can join your game anytime they want.
Cooperation: The Ideal Way of Playing
In Cooperation, the mode will be balanced accordingly to the player themselves. If you’re a Level 20 and your friend is a Level 10, both of you will see enemies with levels accordingly with your own level. In other words, you will see enemies at around Level 20 while your friend will see them at around Level 10.
This doesn’t mean the enemies will be easy however. It will still be dependent on what’s happening at how you go about it. Take for example a Badass-type enemy or a boss fight. For the Level 20 character, it may feel like you’re fighting against a Level 25 enemy whereas for the Level 10, it will feel more like a Level 15 character. Basically, it may be scaled accordingly but there will still be a good amount of challenge.
As far is loot is concerned, all of the loot that you come across will be unique to you even from the same chests. What you see is different from what others see. Each player will also be getting loot that is appropriate to their character level.
This basically means that you don’t have to compete over loot and it will never break the game balance by giving you an weapon that’s too powerful for your level. Even if you did receive something that’s above your level, you still have to level up to be able to use it anyway.
For those who prefer a more chaotic co-op experience, you can try the other mode instead.
Coopetition: Survival of the Fittest
Coopetition is essentially the classic co-op experience from the Borderlands series. Everyone will see the same loot and the game will not balance the playing field.
When it comes to looting, players will have to decide who will be taking which items, or apply the age-old tradition of “you snooze, you lose”. The game even outright warns you that your friends can be a pain in the buttocks, and that you can be the thorn in their cracks in this co-op mode.
With the game being unbalanced, the one that will suffer the most is the one with the lowest level. Enemies may end up being too tough to deal with and it will be easy to die. However, the weakest character will also have the most to gain. It’s a matter of whether you’re willing to power through the pain.
How to Change Co-Op Modes?
If at any point you regret playing a particular co-op mode or you just want to try something different, you won’t be stuck forever. You can easily change that anytime you wish.
To do that, simply head on over to the main menu and take note of your account name on the top right of your screen. Next to your account name, click on the gears icon and you can adjust a few settings. Simply change your Group Mode to Cooperation / Coopetition and you’ll be good to go.
Borderlands 3 Co-Op Verdict
Borderlands 3 is pretty fun on its own and it can be a lot more fun to play with friends. I say “can be” because it ultimately depends on what you want to do. If you want to focus more on the story elements, playing with friends can make it hard to focus on the story. If you just want to have fun in the game or level up your character, then you’ll definitely have a blast, figuratively and literally.
Cooperation mode is by far the smartest way a game has implemented co-op play in a game, at least as far as we’ve seen here at To avoid unnecessary stress, this is definitely the way to go as it still doesn’t take the fun away from the game. If you and your friends are feeling competitive, there’s nothing wrong with Coopetition mode.
At the end of the day, just remember to have fun and enjoy the Borderlands 3 experience. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below.