Indie Dev Giving Free Games Until Nintendo Wii U and 3DS eShops Shut Down
With the Nintendo eShops for Wii U and 3DS shutting down for good soon, an indie developer started giving away free games until its closure.
Free Games for Nintendo Wii U and 3DS Owners
01/09/2023 – Wii U games giveaway!
Pad of Time
Americas: B18RQPS430J5SX6T
Australia: B18RQW1W3XWSWNMW
El Silla
Americas: B16GW2QB2M2QXG0NPad of Time is also available for Nintendo Switch and PC #Giveaways #WiiU
— Markanime 🆖 (@Markanime) January 9, 2023
As 2023 begins, we are approaching the end of the Wii U and 3DS eShops. The final stage of their closure is scheduled for 27th March 2023, at which point it will no longer be possible to purchase in-game content, download demos, add funds or redeem download codes.
In light of this, independent developer and publisher Markanime Studios has decided to give away codes for two of their Wii U games, El Silla and Pad of Time, on a daily basis until the eShop can no longer accept redeem codes. In El Silla, players use chairs to attack opponents, while Pad of Time is a classic action-adventure game with a retro aesthetic, where players use a time machine to jump between different eras in each level.
Once again, the Wii U and 3DS eShops will officially close at the end of March, at which point players will only be able to redownload content they have already purchased.
Pokdepinion: It’s a noble gesture for sure, and it lets people who plan on keeping these systems a way to load up some games before eShops get taken down.