Microsoft, Google, and Qualcomm Are Worried About NVIDIA’s Purchase of ARM
One of the biggest news in the world of technology recently is NVIDIA’s acquisition of ARM, a UK semiconductor maker. This move doesn’t sit well for everyone however as Microsoft, Google, and Qualcomm are some of the biggest names to be worried about the deal.
The Probe Into NVIDIA’s Purchase of ARM
A number of technological juggernauts have voiced out their worries on NVIDIA’s acquisition of ARM Ltd., most notably Microsoft, Google, and Qualcomm. It’s not just large corporations however as several regulatory bodies spanning several countries also voiced out their concerns. the Federal Trade Commission in the US is also doing their probe of the business deal.
For those of you who aren’t aware, ARM Ltd. was acquired by NVIDIA for USD $40 billion (RM161.7 billion approximately) from Softbank. Given that the deal will give NVIDIA control over the patents and distribution rights, plenty of other companies became worried that this might lead to big problems for their own businesses moving forward.
After all, ARM is supplying their chip technology to a wide variety of companies, including Apple, Samsung, and AMD. NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang has stated that they will respect ARM’s open licensing model and customer neutrality, so they will not hinder the operations. At most, ARM chips may include the company branding in the future.
This business move by NVIDIA could have massive implication on the industry moving forward. For their own company, they may look to use the technology from ARM to bolster their AI capabilities. It is also said that they will be building a new supercomputer in Cambridge, home of ARM Ltd.
Pokdepinion: Every large corporation worries for the day another one of its kind gains the upper hand. If I were in their shoes, I’d be worried too.