AMD Confirms “Enthusiast” Radeon RX 7000 GPUs Coming This Quarter

Low Boon Shen
By Low Boon Shen 2 Min Read
AMD Confirms “Enthusiast” Radeon RX 7000 GPUs Coming This Quarter

AMD Confirms “Enthusiast” Radeon RX 7000 GPUs Coming This Quarter

AMD Confirms "Enthusiast" RX 7000 GPUs Coming This Quarter

AMD’s RDNA3 lineup has been rather slow when it comes to product rollout and launches – with the gaping hole that is RX 7800 or RX 7700 still left unfilled almost one year after the RX 7900 first debuted. That void is about to be filled soon, as confirmed by AMD CEO Dr. Lisa Su in the latest financial earnings call.

“In gaming graphics, we expanded our Radeon 7000 GPU series in the second quarter with the launch of our mainstream RX 7600 cards for 1080p gaming. We are on track to further expand our RDNA 3 GPU offerings with the launch of new, enthusiast-class Radeon 7000 series cards in the third quarter,” Dr. Lisa Su mentioned in the Q2 2023 earnings call.

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While Dr. Su mentions “enthusiast”, that doesn’t mean it’s something above the current flagship RX 7900 series. In fact, AMD labels the said model as “ultra-enthusiast”, meaning the “enthusiast” lineup should fit right below it – meaning it will be in the form of RX 7800 series. As for why the RX 7800 and RX 7700 took this long to launch – the most likely reason is due to oversupply caused by older RDNA2 cards, forcing AMD to withhold launches in order to clear up excess stocks without losing profits excessively.

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As far as specs go, this should sit below the RX 7900 GRE (Golden Rabbit Edition), a Chinese-exclusive model that features narrower memory bus and smaller VRAM capacity, while mostly retaining its core specs as the RX 7900 XT model. The GRE also uses a hybrid of Navi 31/32 die with the silicon packed within the smaller Navi 32 package, though this could be an one-off design.

Source: Videocardz

Pokdepinion: If AMD wants to mount some competition in the high-end segment, they have enough time to prepare for it by now. 

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