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Yes Wireless Fibre 5G Brings Our 1st 5G-based Fixed Wireless Access Plan

Yes Wireless Fibre 5G Brings Our 1st 5G-based Fixed Wireless Access Plan

by Aiman MaulanaSeptember 13, 2022
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Yes Wireless Fibre 5G Plan

Yes Wireless Fibre 5G Brings Our 1st 5G-based Fixed Wireless Access Plan

With YTL Communications being the only telco that has deployed 5G services for the public thus far, a new offering has come to light. It’s the Yes Wireless 5G Fibre plan, the first 5G-based Fixed Wireless Access service in Malaysia.

This new plan will let you enjoy unlimited 5G data quota with speeds going up to 120Mbps, and 150GB 4G data without any speed limit. You will get a 5G router with dual-band Wi-Fi support for free but you will be tied to a 24-month contract. You also have the option of going for the Yes Wireless Fibre 5G bundle plan, which also comes with two supplementary Yes Infinite Basic lines for your smartphones.

The Yes Wireless Fibre 5G plan will be priced at RM148 per month whereas the bundle plan will be priced at RM229 per month. It is only applicable in places where 5G services are available, which means selected areas of Johor, Perak, Penang, Selangor, and Kuala Lumpur.


Pokdepinion: This sounds pretty interesting, and I do wonder how consistent the performance will be. However, I feel like it will only make a significant impact when 5G is available in more parts of the country.

About The Author
Aiman Maulana
Jack of all trades, master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. YouTuber, video editor, tech head, and a wizard of gaming. What's up? :)

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