Sony Debunks False Reports on Lower PS5 Production Numbers
Recently, Bloomberg reported that Sony will be forced to cut down their PS5 production numbers by about 4 million units due to some manufacturing issues. Now, it appears that the information isn’t accurate as Sony has chimed in on the matter.
Sony Debunks False Reports on Lower PS5 Production Numbers
Sony Interactive Entertainment have given a statement to, stating that the report by Bloomberg is false. In fact, there have not been changes to the number of units being manufactured since it began mass production.
While we do not release details related to manufacturing, the information provided by Bloomberg is false. We have not changed the production number for PlayStation 5 since the start of mass production.
Sony Interactive Entertainment
It’s rather surprising to a large company like Sony directly shooting down reports such as from Bloomberg. However, given how the report has affected the company’s stock value, we can understand why they’d like to clarify on the whole situation.
With us getting closer and closer to the launch of the next generation of gaming consoles, PlayStation fans can rest assured that there will be no sudden reduction in PS5 units being shipped out, so it should still not be a trouble to get your hands on it this holiday season.
Pokdepinion: It’s great to know that there are no issues in the manufacturing process. If there is an unusually small amount of units available, I’m very certain there will be people buying it just so that they can sell it off immediately for an easy profit.