Linus Sebastian of LinusTechTips is Considering to Retire

Aiman Maulana
3 Min Read
Linus Sebastian of LinusTechTips is Considering to Retire

Linus Sebastian of LinusTechTips is Considering to Retire

If you’re a fan of computers or technology in general, then it would be hard to not know the infamous Linus Sebastian. He used to appear on videos for computer retailer NCIX and he is the man behind the LinusTechTips YouTube channel, which recently passed a big milestone in the form of 10 million subscribers.

Instead of making a huge celebration over the big milestone achievement, Linus dropped a bombshell as he voiced out his thoughts and tells the masses that he is seriously considering to retire. Unlike his usual videos where it’s often wacky, hilarious, and fun, this one is definitely his most personal video yet, giving you a whole other side to the man himself.

The 30-minute long video can be seen at the top of this post. In the video, Linus talks about his journey in doing what he loves to do, growing up, being bullied in school, and recently having a whole new perspective falling on him like a truck. Essentiallyy, he’s had some life-changing events and now, he’s having a mid-life crisis of sorts.

At the end of the video, Linus says that he isn’t immediately retiring. However, he doesn’t rule the possibility out. It’s something he might eventually do, and that it’s a part of him building the company and grow new talents. In other words, we might not see Linus Sebastian pop up in many LinusTechTips videos in the future.

Given that the LinusTechTips channel now has a host of talented individuals, there will certainly be enough people that can carry on the channel. If that happens, it doesn’t necessarily mean he will be gone from the company as he might transition to a different, more backstage role instead. For now, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Source: YouTube

Pokdepinion: These things happen, but I didn’t expect it to popup when they’ve hit the 10 million subscriber milestone. I personally hope for the best for whatever he chooses to do moving forward and I hope there won’t be a backlash towards the channel for this.

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