Recently Launched Samsung Tab 5Se’s WiFi Allegedly Disconnects If You Hold It Wrongly

Raja Idris
By Raja Idris 2 Min Read
Recently Launched Samsung Tab 5Se’s WiFi Allegedly Disconnects If You Hold It Wrongly

Despite being introduced to the Malaysian market just recently, the Samsung Tab 5Se already has some issues. The problem? Well it seems that the tablet reportedly loses its Wi-Fi connection if you hold it the wrong way.


Reports has said that the issue arises when you hold the tablet in a landscape orientation (the front camera being on the left side). Some users has said that it causes a weaker signal to the tablet, while others has said that their connection is disconnected entirely.

Despite that, users of the new tablet has said that if you hold the tablet in portrait mode or with the front camera to be on the right, the problem doesn’t occur.

As for the moment, Samsung hasn’t offered any statements on the issue. It is also unknown how widespread the issue is to the units of the tablet. Reports has said that replacement units that were sent to customers dealing with the problem still faced the same issue.

Pokdepinion: Well this doesn’t look good at all from Samsung’s perspective. I know it’s just a tablet, but people spent their well earned money on them. Hopefully we’ll hear soon from the company itself.

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