Intel Xeon E3 1230V3 Undervolting Benchmark

Muhammad Firdaus
5 Min Read
Intel Xeon E3 1230V3 Undervolting Benchmark
  • Appearance - 9/10
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As we search through Google, there are only a few review about Intel Xeon E3 1230V3 in term on performance, productivity and gaming.
Yes, Gaming with the E3. How good this processor?
For first entry I dont want to talk about the performance of this chip instead I would like to show how to undervolting this chip by using ASUS H87-PLUS motherboard and the result of it.
In this entry I will show you simple step through ASUS UEFI BIOS, yes UEFI BIOS make it easier for new user.

Why I do undervolting on this chip?

This is because I cant do much with locked processor except tweak the voltage and at the end of this case I found this is really interesting and fun.

What the advantages of undervolting?

With some googling some info, as we know undervolting the cpu may make the cpu run cool, lower power consumption and longer life time. Noy just that, if we do undervolt on laptop, we sure can make the battery run longer than usual.

The disadvantages of it?

Hm.. I cant really found the disadvantages of undervolt the cpu core.

If the cpu can run with lower Vcore, why does Intel let it run at 1V default?
I’am not really sure about this since i’m not Intel engineer, but in my opinion Xeon series mostly target for OEM manufacturer and manufacturer doesnt want any problem when the chip run, so Intel do set it to 1V to safe and guarantee work configuration.

Okay let get start it with hardware used.

Processor : Intel Xeon E3 1230V3 3.3Ghz
Processor Cooler : Spire Gemini
Motherboard : ASUS H87-PLUS socket 1150
RAM : 4x 4GB Corsair Vengence LP 1600Mhz
SSD : Corsair LS 120GB
PSU : Corsair TX650 V2
OS : Windows 8.1

Software used :
Linpack LinX 0.6.5
RealTemp 3.70

CPU Z Screenshot

CPUZ Screenshot
CPUZ Screenshot
Ai Tweaker Tab
Ai Tweaker Tab

Okay let do the do in the BIOS. Simply let other setting in default, and we just need to tweak at Ai Tweaker tab only, just tab F7 at the EZ BIOS menu to go the Advanced Mode.
On this first picture, this is the setting that me using currently just enabled the XMP profile and done.

Scroll down and we will see the CPU voltage and more such DRAM voltage.
For default the chip will run at 0.975V in BIOS (read 1.010V at CPUZ) and this is the only value that we need to change, let the other on default value.



By simply click on tab enter at the CPU Core Voltage, it will give option which is Auto, Manual or Offset Mode, we will be using off set mode.
Click or tab enter at the Offset Mode Sign and choose minus symbol (-).
Ok we clear, now it is time to lowering the value of the Vcore. Each offset is equal o 0.001V, take note on that.
To change the value, simply tab + button on the keyboard, 10 tab equal to 0.010V so from 0.975V it will change to 0.965V easily.
After we done, tab F10, save and reboot the system.

I will test variable offset from 0.035V until the maximum I get the the system boot at 0.120V.
The result will be shown below separate by two graph which show the minimum and the other one is maximum temperature we achieved by doing the undervolt.

Temperature VS Vcore result
0.892V (CPUZ) 0.847V (BIOS)
0.892V (CPUZ) 0.847V (BIOS)
0.892V (CPUZ) 0.0852V (BIOS)
0.892V (CPUZ) 0.0852V (BIOS)
0.902V (CPUZ) 0.867V (BIOS)
0.902V (CPUZ) 0.867V (BIOS)
0.911V (CPUZ) 0.877 (BIOS)
0.911V (CPUZ) 0.877 (BIOS)
0.941V (CPUZ) 0.906V (BIOS)
0.941V (CPUZ) 0.906V (BIOS)
0.975V (CPUZ) 0.940V (BIOS)
0.975V (CPUZ) 0.940V (BIOS)
1.010V (CPUZ) 0.975V (BIOS)
1.010V (CPUZ) 0.975V (BIOS)

Conclusion and opinion

I’m really impressed with the temperature and the Vcore, but sadly I dont have watt-a-meter to monitor the power consumption.
But stable Linpack problem size 20000 and after playing BF4 about 3 hours definitely I would say 0.892V is stable and good to go.

Do you have locked processor and locked motherboard and want to find some excitement with the current hardware? Let try the undervolt because it is part from OCing.



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