Wi-Fi 7 is Coming with Ultra Fast Speeds Up To 30Gbps
Wi-Fi 6 is clearly in its early days still with many consumers still yet to have adopted the new protocol. Given how rapidly technology is evolving however, it’s no surprise that Wi-Fi 7 is already being worked on.
Wi-Fi 7 is apparently capable of theoretical maximum transmission rates of 30Gbps. In comparison, Wi-Fi 6 has a maximum rate of 9.6Gbps, which is three times slower. The current mainstream Wi-Fi 5 protocol is about 40% slower than Wi-Fi 6. However, the latter has the added benefit of being more energy-efficient.
Furthermore, Wi-Fi 6 is capable of connecting to more devices at the same time, and it has support for the latest WP3 security protocol which is difficult for hackers to crack. Essentially, it’s the closest to perfection when it comes to Wi-Fi standards.
Wi-Fi 7 Features and Noteworthy Highlights
That doesn’t mean that there’s no point to having Wi-Fi 7 however as any room for improvement is a good addition. It’s expected to introduce a new CMU-MIMO technology, supports up to 16 data streams (double from Wi-Fi 6), 8 lanes to 16 lanes, proper interstellar highway, and more. Moreover, it’s expected to support the 6GHz frequency band on top of the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, with all three working simultaneously.
With 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6 using the 1024-QAM signal modulation method, Wi-Fi 7 with the 802.11be standard will be using the superior 4096-QAM signal modulation method. Givven how simple and rough it is to expand data transmission capacity, it’s no surprise that it can reach maximum speeds of 30Gbps.
Pokdepinion: It’s sad for me to write this on 30Mbps 802.11ac Wi-Fi. At the same time, I would still like to adopt the new standard even if my internet speed isn’t even close to fully utilizing it. It’s more than just speeds that you need to care about, it’s also about stability.