Superdata: 2.4 Million Nintendo Switch Units Sold; Nintendo To Report Official Numbers Soon

Aiman Maulana
By Aiman Maulana 3 Min Read
Superdata: 2.4 Million Nintendo Switch Units Sold; Nintendo To Report Official Numbers Soon
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2.4 million units sold in such a short span of time is no joke. Nintendo Switch is really killing it.

We all knew that the Nintendo Wii U did not do well. You can see a huge contrast in sales between the Wii U and the original Wii, with the latter sitting at a high seat in the top 5 video game consoles sold of all time.

As such, a lot of people became skeptical of the Nintendo’s newest console, thinking it would never go back to its glory days of success. Well today, we’ve received some good numbers from Superdata, showing how well the Nintendo Switch is doing worldwide.


Superdata: 2.4 Million Nintendo Switch Units Sold

Nintendo Switch Online Service
This is when the Nintendo Switch launched.

According to tracking firm Superdata, the Nintendo Switch has sold 2.4 million units worldwide since its launch back on March 3rd 2017. Now keep in mind, this is merely data from a tracking firm and should not be taken as official data. However, the firm is quite reliable so you can have a good estimate from here.

Furthermore, Superdata has increased the 2017 sales forecast for the Nintendo Switch. The reason behind the move is because the console has performed above their expectations and as such, the numbers should reflect that. Previously, the tracking firm predicted that the Nintendo Switch would sell 5 million units in 2017. Now, it has been increased to 7.2 million units.

Superdata CEO Joost Van Dreunen added the following statement:

“Nintendo is performing above expectations, which suggests that, at least for now, it is well on its way to restore investor confidence. The current slate of upcoming titles is also looking strong, and we expect Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (late April) and Splatoon 2 (July) to do well over the summer period.”

If you want to hear the numbers directly from Nintendo, don’t worry about it. They’re expected to disclose the information as Nintendo is expected to report their earnings for the fiscal year, which happens to end on March 31st, some time next week.

However, because the fiscal year ended on March 31st, they will not be able to include sales of the console past March. Either way, we’ll still be able to get an indication how the console performed in the market so far.

Source: Superdata via Games Industry


Pokdepinion: Well, Nintendo is doing well with their brand new console. If you keep hearing all this hate on the console by people, don’t worry and just shake it off. If it gets too annoying, just shove this article down their throats. That should get them to shut up about it.

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